Sunday, September 5, 2010


Everybody loves before shots so we've got just a few to give you all an idea of what the space looked like when we started the makeover...

This is the area where we now have our counter. The walls were this fantastic Body Shop green, with a mustard yellow. The space, although perfect for our needs, is quite narrow and dark so we had to brighten it up quite a lot.

Aaargh blurry... the treatment room is behind the front retail space and has these gorgeous big windows which we've now covered up so that massage clients can relax without the sun pouring through. Behinde this treatment room is another back room which is east facing and gets wonderful morning sun.

Here is a glamour shot of our retail space. Note the boarded up window to the right? It was fixed the day after this pic was taken and there is soooo much more light now, it's just amazing what a difference a piece of glass can make.

This pic is looking through the retail space to the treatment room. Sorry it's again blurry, but note the groovy light fitting which we were most sad to remove. We especially loved the stripey effect it gave the lighting, but decided it just didn't fit with the look we were aiming for.

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